Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

‘Hired Goons’ Are Demanding Full Payment As Their Political Bosses Vanish Following Anti-Government Protests.

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Hired Goons' Are Demanding Full Payment As Their Political Bosses Vanish Following Anti-Government Protests.
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A group of discontented youths has emerged to demand payment, asserting they were hired by politicians to join the recent #OccupyEverywhere protests on Tuesday. In a video released without a specific date, the men, clearly frustrated, voiced their grievances late at night. They directly called out unnamed leaders who they accused of abandoning them despite using their services during the protests.

The purported hired individuals addressed politicians, recounting being roused early in the morning and directed to assemble at City Hall. From there, they claimed to have been dispersed throughout the city to infiltrate the demonstrations and provoke disorder.

Armed with a ‘rungu’, one of the men makes his dissatisfaction clear, directly addressing his masters and demanding for pay.

“Nilipigiwa simu asubui, twende hapo City Hall. Tulikuwa watu 50, na mavijana wenzangu. Wakatupatia hizi rungu. Mnatupatia kazi mpaka wengine wanapigwa tear gas…” he says, brandishing his ‘rungu’.

“Saa hii tunapiga na hizo simu zenyu hazishikwi. Na tushaaokolea jo. Tumeshaawalindia mali zao. Tunaenda mpaka huko Riverside. Mlipiga simu twende City Hall? Pesa yetu mtatupatia!”

Continuing their lamentations, the men asserted that they had only received a fraction of the total payment upfront and were now insisting on receiving the full amount, or else they would take action.

“Yenye mlitupatia asubui ni downpayment. Hio ingine tunataka. Lazima mtatumalizia. Hatutaki hio ujinga!” they say.

Tuesday’s protests descended into chaos marked by widespread looting, vandalism, hooliganism, and theft, prompting many leaders and protesters to abandon the demonstrations altogether due to infiltration by lawless elements.

In contrast to the peaceful and organized protests of the past two weeks, recent demonstrations saw shadowy figures emerging to carry out disruptive acts on behalf of their benefactors. These individuals engaged in stone-throwing, arson, assaults on police officers, muggings of bystanders, and general mayhem in their respective areas.

In response to the unrest, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) stated, “Security forces nationwide identified and apprehended suspects involved in criminal activities under the guise of protesting.” The DCI also deployed thorough investigators across affected regions to pursue individuals captured on CCTV and mobile footage committing violent crimes such as robbery, property destruction, and attacks on businesses and citizens.


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